Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Real King Herod

Well, our telly has gone on the blink here (perhaps Who Wrote the Bible? was just too much for it), but it's worth noting that Channel 4 in the UK are again providing the most interesting NT related programming:

The Real King Herod

It's 7.00 pm on Channel 4 today. I don't know anything about this one beyond what is on the useful website above. I can't even work out from that which company has made it. I once took part in a programme with a similar title for Channel 4 called The Real Jesus Christ but The Real . . . is a pretty standard title for this kind of documentary.

Helenann Hartley mentioned Let's hear it for the King of Judea on Radio 4 the other day, a programme I managed to catch some of, but alas it does not seem to be archived on the Radio 4 site any more. It was Terry Jones doing the business and a very enjoyable programme. Let's hope the Channel 4 one tonight is also worth watching.

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